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  • AgatheCo

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      Conclusion of my semester in Madrid
      Here is the end of my semester in Madrid. I spent wonderful months in Madrid, I have learned so many things. I am more independent,  more self-confident, and I have learned to be more open-minded.  During this semester I met peopl...

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      Food in Spain
      For my free subject I have choose to talk about food in Spain, because I saw during my semester they didn't eat the same things than us.  But I think that the best way to talk to you about food is to show you pictures. So I made a...

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      Social Rituals in Spain
      Spain is made of several regions. That led  to the creation of a lot of national celebrating days. There are the National Days, and also the Autonomous Communities days.   So there are the national ones : · &nb...

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      External Policy in Spain
      Relationship with USA For Mister Rajoy, Spain has to find back their relations with United States. So this is led to the support to the commercial agreement betwwen UE and USA. Relationship with the South Spain has also tight relations wit...

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      The most significant local news: The election of the podemos political party
      Podemos are the radical left political party.   The 24th of December, the local elections and in the thirteen regions of Spain was a real « political seism » in the two biggest cities in the country. In these citi...

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      Government in Spain
      Spain key numbers:  Surface Area : 504.782 km² Capital : Madrid (3,2 millions inhabitants) Main cities : Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Séville, Bilbao Official Language : Espagnol (basque, catalan, g...

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      My University
      My university in Madrid is named Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. This is one of the most important University in Madrid. There are 5 campuses :   -       Alcorcón -     &n...

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      El ritmo de vida
      El ritmo de vida      Spanish timming and rythym are clearly differents that french one ! When we are going on holidays, it can be enjoyable to have lunch at 4PM and go shopping until 9PM, but when we have school it is more c...

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      "Podemos" young but powerful party
      « Podemos » is a political party created in January 2014 by Pablo Iglesias. It registered as a political party in March 2014 to participate to the European Election. In May 2014 it was already the 4th political party in Spain an...

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      [Sans titre]
      Hi ! My name is Agathe, and I'm doing my semester abroad in Madrid, in the university Rey Juan Carlos. I'm here since one month now. I have to say that it was a little difficult in the begining. I was a little bit sad to leave my friends an...


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