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  • Monakro

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      ClauS...Come back
      Claus misses us...........................................!!!!!!!Gentlemen, wo sind wir?? Koin, koin, bitte.....!!!!!

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      Goethe UnversitY
      It is not our school!!! just a closed university! oups!

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      Goethe UnversitY Part2
      An other view...Lucky they are..!!

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      Everywhere we must work!!!!!! He looks serious our Claus!!!!!Gentlemen.., Aktion..!!!!   lol

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      Ok ok, this is a photo which has no sense..Just to say that our teacher likes tetra Milk...Thanx David for thr pic!!

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      MozarT is bacK
      Hey , hey, exclusiv world news!!!!We have found Amadeus, really..!!!! He was in Sprachekurze with many FFM. We could'nt miss this incredible meeting!!!Thanx Mister Mozart!!!

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      Team of ClauS
      here you are Claus' Angels...oups sorry!!! The students band with the master Claus!!!What a teacher...!!!gentlemen??!!....Aktion.........wunderbarrrrrrDanke!!!!

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      What can he thinK?
      Look at this poor french Erasmus...!!  Is he tired or does he think the course is boring.....?? HummmmmWe could imagine his thoughts.:" What are they speaking about? I understand nothing...Why is everybody speaking german?? Argh!!!!....

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      French TeaM get the Power with clauS
      Our dear ClauS!!! You will miss us!!!!! :D :D

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      Seen in München at the Oktoberfest..Everybody drinks beers..really everybody....!!!!!

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      Not any beer!!
      Shit, it is empty......We are in need.....!!

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      AddicteD Tetra...
      Who is the owner of the Tetra???????????????

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      BirthdaY Julien Part11
      One was not enough...So, twice!!!

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      Tested in Weimar...!!!

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      BirthdaY JulieN 2
      I just avoid to forget a part of our party beers!!!now, it is ok!! Saved....

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      WeimaR part9
      Drinking is dangerous...Just look this guy...He has drunk too much and now he can not stand up!!!Poor he is!!!!

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      WeimaR Part4
      You want really an explication with this picture?? (french addicted to Wodka?!, in need alcohol??....)You do not need..!

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      Ouh yeah!!Thanx to my fantastic Julien, France has won easily against Italy....

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      Beck'S..Sure we like..
      We love  beers....Yeah yeah!!!!!  ;-)  ;-)

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      SupeR SeX
      Superman , Be careful......Super Sex will kick you...No way out for you!!

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      Outdoor CourseS
      And we walk, we walk...endless!!!!!SpracheKurze!!! Do not forget!!! yeah, yeah during the courses!!

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      German teacheR
      He looks so nice our favourite teacher!!!We were in Goethe University in a very funny and strange elevator!!!! Guaranted sensations!!!!! lolDanke schön Liebe Claus!!!

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      OktoberfesT Part11
      No comment.....!! Who are they..??

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      Who is hE ??
      I keep on with my stupid games..Here is a beautiful statue in rusted iron!!!  Do not laugh!!!ok, the game is this one:This is the copy of a teacher...and we like calling him "Mozart" because of his magnificent hairstyle.......

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      RheingaU part 15
      No, it is time to play!!!After a long long day (yeah, yeah with a party.!!), this personn seems very tired. at first sight, she looks well-dressed with her clothes on her!!!!!!!!So,so....who is this Erasmus??!!a clue...?? It is the talles...

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      Who is shE ?
      You must find the good personn.....A clue?? she loves drinking!!

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      What's that.....?! Let a comment...

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      Belgian, the OtheR CountrY of BeeR
      I could not forget a beer of our trip!!Beer with banana..Was a strange and funny glass!

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      Be careful!!!!It's a beer, not a drink like Isostar and so on!!!!We never know.....

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      Keep on the German Beer Tour '04-05 !!!!


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